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摘要:Initial Interview: The Falling in Love Stage 一面:相爱 Asking for and discussing a bureaucratic checklist of benefits or responsibilities is no way to entice a new employer to fall in love with you.


  Initial Interview: The ’Falling in Love’ Stage


  Asking for and discussing a bureaucratic checklist of benefits or responsibilities is no way to entice a new employer to fall in love with you. The goal of the first interview is mostly to figure out if you like the company and if they like you and could use your skills. Also, this is a time to look for subtle clues about the workplace -- take note of the office mood, corporate culture, and how you are treated. Did anyone offer you a coffee or water? Do people make eye contact or say, "Hello"? Can you hear laughter anywhere?


  Once the interview starts, the questions you pose to your interviewer should open up dialogue on broader topics such as your professional values and goals, and how they all might align with company goals. Keep the tone personable and look for ways to convey your passions. Doing so will help you come across as confident and knowledgeable, and that can set you apart from other candidates. Furthermore, the depth of information you’ll be able to discuss will leave the interviewer with a much clearer picture about who you are every day.


  For example, Stevens advises people to avoid the question, "What will my duties be?" Instead, he suggests posing a similar question this way: "I visited your Web site, and I liked what I saw. How would I be able to contribute to those values in this position?"


  Changing the way you ask a rather standard question can lead to a more interesting dialogue and give you a more complete idea of the job. It also shows your potential employer that you are aware of the company goals and that you are someone who will find ways to make them happen.


  Second Interview: The ’Going Steady’ Stage