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关键词:污水处理 脱氮 除磷 倒置a2/o工艺 principle and characteristics of reversed a2/o process
zhang bo 1,gao ting yao 2
(1departof environeng,qingdao construction institute,qingdao 266033,china;2 state key labof pollution control and resource reuse,tongji univ,shanghai 200092, china)   abstract:the biochemical characteristics of short time retention in anaerobic zone and sequence reversing of anaerobic and anoxic zones on phosphorus release and uptakewere studied in bench scale experiments the results showed that:(1) the effective phosphorus release, fully or not, is not the sufficient and necessary condition deciding the ability of excess puptake to a certain extent,a relativelylonger hrt and a more sufficient anaerobic environment produce a stronger potential of excess puptake in the following aerobic condition(2) a much better effect of n-p removal can be obtained in biological nutrient removal process by reversing the position of anaerobic and anoxic zones and turning into reversed a2/o process its phosphorus and nitrogen removal rates are markedly higher thanthat of conventional a2/o process, whereas the cod removal rates are about equal
  keywords: wastewater treatment;nitrogen removal;phosphorus removal;reversed a2/o process  常规生物脱氮除磷工艺呈厌氧(a1)/缺氧(a2)/好氧(o)的布置形式。该布置在理论上基于这样一种认识,即:聚磷微生物有效释磷水平的充分与否,对于提高系统的除磷能力具有极端重要的意义,厌氧区在前可以使聚磷微生物优先获得碳源并得以充分释磷[1]。但是,①由于存在内循环,常规工艺系统所排放的剩余污泥中实际上只有一少部分经历了完整的释磷、吸磷过程,其余则基本上未经厌氧状态而直接由缺氧区进入好氧区,这对于除磷是不利的;②由于缺氧区位于系统中部,反硝化在碳源分配上居于不利地位,因而影响了系统的脱氮效果;③由于厌氧区居前,回流污泥中的硝酸盐对厌氧区产生不利影响,为了避免该影响而开发的一些新工艺(如uct等)趋于复杂化;④实际运转经验表明,按照缺氧—好氧两段设计的脱氮工艺系统也常常表现出良好的除磷能力[2、3]。因此,常规生物脱氮除磷工艺(a1/a2/o)布置的合理性值得进一步探讨。 1 材料与方法  活性污泥取自污水生物脱氮除磷小型试验系统,污水取自实际城市污水。污水和污泥的性质见表1。 污水污泥cod(mg/l)400-800mlss(g/l)3.0-4.0bod5(mg/l)150-450vss/ss0.60-0.64tn(mg/l)45-65n含量(mgn/gvss)110-130tp(mg/l)2.5-10.0p含量(mgn/gvss)48-60vfa(mg/l)25-173svi180-230
表1 污水和污泥的性质
2 试验结果与讨论 2 1短时厌氧环境及其对聚磷菌的影响
  ①试验采用2只完全相同的有机玻璃柱,有效体积均为30 l(见图1)。柱1装有随中心轴一起转动的弹性立体填料,柱2不装填料,由搅拌桨搅拌。电机转速为15~20 r/min,柱上方均设有盖板。