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摘要:下面是应届毕业生网对英文简历的看法,请看 清楚简历内容 Clear your resume 凡是写在简历上的东西,我建议同学们都要先想清楚再写,不要写一些是似是而非、模棱两可、不着边际、瞎编乱造的东西。 我记得,有位同学简历上写着爱好:读书,游泳,羽毛球,我就




Clear your resume

凡是写在简历上的东西,我建议同学们都要先想清楚再写,不要写一些是似是而非、模棱两可、不着边际、瞎编乱造的东西。 我记得,有位同学简历上写着“爱好:读书,游泳,羽毛球”,我就问他都读过什么书。他想了半天说,历史、政治、人物传记类的。我接着问最近看的一本书是什么。他又想了半天说是讲拿破仑的,具体什么书名忘了。我就更深入的问,你通过这本书学到了什么东西,或者有什么感受。这个同学就完全答不上来了。由此,我就会怀疑,他到底是不是真正的爱好读书,还只是假装爱好而已。 还有位同学,简历的封面赫然写着“座右铭:穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下!”。我就问他这是你的座右铭吗?他点头称是,我说这句话是谁说的?他一脸茫然。我再接着问,这句话表达的是个什么意思?他语无伦次的讲了一堆,最后被我客气的送走了。 还有个人,简历上写着“暑期兼职TCL电视促销员,销售额达10万元。”我就问是在哪做的促销?他回答在国美。我又问做了多长时间?他回答一个星期。我接着问平均每天能卖几台?他回答是2台。我又问TCL当时哪款电视卖的最好,每台多少钱?他支支吾吾答不上来。我又问,这10万元都是你一个人做的吗?他挣扎了一会,说是三个人。最后才知道他只是负责在国美门口发传单。 由此可以看到,凡是大家写在简历上的东西,面试官不看则已,一看就会发问,而且一问就是连续性的追问。如果你写在简历上的东西,自己都不知道什么意思,或者根本没这个经历的话,面试官稍一追问就会露馅。 所以,我建议凡是在简历上写的东西,自己都要非常的清楚和了解,哪怕有些经历有水分,你编也要把来龙去脉编清楚,能蒙过面试官也是一种能力嘛!但稍微好一些的企业,一般都会有多轮面试,像我们公司就有5轮面试,后面几轮的面试官都是一线销售岗位的主管,经常面试社招销售人员的,对应届生的这些小花招基本可以秒杀。所以,建议大家简历内容一定要实事求是,对其中的每个词每句话都要认真的确认自己理解后再往上写。

All written in the things on your resume, I suggest that students want to want to know to write, don't write some specious, ambiguity, not marginal, blind plait disorderly made things. I remember, a classmate resume top write "hobbies: reading, swimming, badminton," and I asked him what has read the book. He wants to along while said, history, politics, characters of looking under biography. I then asked recently read a book is what. He thought for half a day, speak of napoleon, specific what title forget. I will further asked, you through this book learned something, or is there any feelings. The student is completely answer not to come up. Thus, I would doubt, he is what is the real love reading, also was only pretending to be more like a hobby. Have a classmate, resume cover impressively write "motto: the poor leads to the benefit all the people in the world!" . I ask him this is your motto? He nodded, I say this sentence: who said that? He is a face of vacant. I then ask, this sentence expression is what mean? He gibbering told a heap of, was finally I politely sent away. There are individual, resume top write "summer employment TCL television promotion, sales reached 100000 yuan." I asked where is the promotion? He answered in gome. I asked how long do? He answered a week. I then asked can sell several sets a day on average? His answer is 2 table. I asked TCL was in the best TV which sell, each machine how many money? He hem and haw couldn't answer. I ask again, the 100000 yuan are you a man do? He struggled for a while, saying that three people. Finally know that he is in charge of the gome flyers. Thus can see, those who everyone to write in the resume of thing, the interviewer has not, a see will ask, and ask what is continuity. If you write in your resume things, you don't know what meaning, or didn't this experience of words, the interviewer asked for a moment will be betrayed. Therefore, I suggest that all the things written in your resume, and I just have to be very clear and understanding, and even some experience have water, you've made up to also want to put the context knitting clear, can have over the interviewer is also a kind of ability! But a little better enterprise, generally will have several rounds of interview, like our company has 5 wheel interview, behind a few rounds of the interviewer is a line sales position manager, often interview club called the sales staff, the fresh raw these floret recruit basic can kill. Therefore, suggest you resume content must be practical and realistic, to which each word each sentence is to seriously to ensure you understand up again after writing.