范文写作网 > 演讲稿 > 英语演讲稿 > > 加拿大总理哈珀10月30日在安大略省旺市英语演讲稿


摘要:Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Its wonderful to have so many of you here, in particular to see all of the kids who have beenable to join us today. Thank you all for being here. Thank you first of all to my introducer. Joe is not just

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  Thank you very much.

  Good afternoon.

  It’s wonderful to have so many of you here, in particular to see all of the kids who have beenable to join us today.

  Thank you all for being here.

  Thank you first of all to my introducer.

  Joe is not just a great member of our team but you should know that he really took up the workthat Jim Flaherty and I had begun.

  He has worked very hard for the last few months to really put together the comprehensiveannouncement we’re making today.

  He’s doing a terrific job, so give the Honourable Joe Oliver another big hand.

  Thank you to Stella and to Candice for keeping us on track.

  And I want to welcome all of our Members of Parliament, but in particular our host JulianFantino.

  Please welcome all of the members today.

  And also let’s give our hosts here at the Lebovic Jewish Community Campus a big hand forhosting us for this great event.

  This is a wonderful facility.

  I have to say it’s just enormous.

  I’ve only seen a corner of it I think, but our Government is really proud to have helped supportits construction.

  Ladies and gentlemen, let me just get into the announcement.

  And let me begin with this.

  You have heard me say this before.

  Strong families make a strong country.

  And our goal as a government has always been to make sure that Canada is the best country inthe world in which to raise a family.

  That’s why we work hard to support families in so many ways.

  Today I want to talk to you specifically about how we can help families who are trying to makeends meet.

  We know that Canadians work hard for their money.

  We know that they work hard raising their families too.

  There’s childcare, the general expenses of family life, clothing, food, drug costs, extra schoolcosts, dentists.

  And then there’s the extra activities, we talked about the baseball, the karate, the earlymornings at the rink, the dance classes, and so on.

  There are so many worthwhile things for children to do nowadays.

  Our Government is utterly convinced of one thing.