范文写作网 > 面试 > 面试经验 > > 关于面试时你需要注意的9个着装细节


摘要:面试 穿着给热的第一印象非常重要,这是我们每个人的第一项印象分!下面我们将一起来谈谈面试时我们需要注意哪些着穿细节! While everyone knows that short hemlines and plunging necklines arent acceptable for a job interview, wearing an inappropriat

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  While everyone knows that short hemlines and plunging necklines aren't acceptable for a job interview, wearing an inappropriate dress that's also a bright, flashy color--like red--simply makes this situation worse.


  While a blazer is a good go-to choice for almost any interview, be mindful of what you wear underneath. Inevitably, the deep-v formed by the blazer's lapel creates a plunging neckline. If you're going to wear a camisole or a shell underneath, make sure it covers you appropriately. Of course, layering with a button-down is a no-fail option, too.


  Take it easy on the perfume and cologne, as you never know if your interviewer might have an allergy or aversion to strong scents.
