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摘要:英文 简历 中不要面面俱到地展示你的所有方面才能,这样用人单位会抓不住重点。下面代带来网络经理英文 简历模板 ,以供赏析和参考借鉴! 网络经理 英文简历模板 Name: xzlunwen Nationality: China The current location: Dongguan National: Han Residence: He




  Name: xzlunwen

  Nationality: China

  The current location: Dongguan

  National: Han

  Residence: Hebei

  175 cm 65 kg

  Marital status: single age: 27

  Personal contact

  Contact phone: home phone:

  Hand machine: QQ number:

  Email address:

  Job search intention and work experience

  The type of talent: ordinary job


  Network Information Security Engineer Engineer: system integration project

  Work experience: 4 Title: Intermediate

  Job type: full-time date available: at any time

  Salary requirements: 3500 - 5000 hope area: Guangzhou Dongguan

  Personal experience:

  Company name: Hangzhou Technology Co., Ltd.

  Start-stop date: 2009-10--

  Company type: private enterprise industry: the computer industry

  Position: the network supervisor

  Job description: Responsibilities: promotion, the company network project pre-sales customer service and agent products include: network planning and design projects, develop technical solutions, tender documentation, project implementation and maintenance; in charge of Array Networks products of the province's tour, and served as speaker.

  Reason for leaving:

  Education background

  University one is graduated from: Jiangxi Normal University

  The highest degree: bachelor graduation date: 2010-07-01

  Major: computer application specialty two:

  Language ability

  Foreign language: good English.

  Mandarin Level: excellent Cantonese level: low

  Self assessment

  Self-learning ability, adapt to the fast, have rich project experience, a solid professional knowledge, good computer English reading ability, earnest and responsible, have a beginning and an end.



  1, page number: a page or two can, the personnel department more like terse "onepage resume" (page paper resume), some students resume have five or six pages, or even make it photo album, the personnel department spend a lot of time to find the information is needed, the effect is bad instead. In general, a succinct appropriate resume content (sometimes even a English version), a cover of the clear intention to target a cover letter is very basic configuration.


  2, format: to have aesthetic consciousness is like the composition of a picture, resume also have information too full, box line heroic or uneven, and other aspects of the taboo. "In general, the personnel department in a resume on the residence time of not more than 30 seconds, good format can give a person leave deep impression. But without sedulous format."


  3, personality: want to have your resume personality positioning consciousness how to use also has exquisite. A copy of your resume cover beautifully, the inside pages personal photos of light shade, column name is "about me", "I been on the study", "I learned lesson" and so on the unique language. Although this resume very chic, but the personality of the resume should first of individual character, and to apply for a job working style are identical with each other. "He studies is the thought political professional, apply for jobs is the counselor, and his resume it reflects his more suitable for applying for the plane design kind of position". Have a resume with the sharp personal photos, have "shocking" effect, but not be everybody suits to do, after all, everyone is not all come to apply for the designers.