范文写作网 > 面试 > 英语面试 > > 《面试遭打断》英语教学范例


摘要:《白领英语》是BBC教学频道推出的新系列节目,为你讲述办公室的 故事 ,并且提供很多职场技巧。 Introduction: Annas job interview continues. But with all the pressure and stress, she has frozen mid-sentence, unable to find the right word in Eng



  Introduction: Anna's job interview continues. But with all the pressure and stress, she has frozen mid-sentence, unable to find the right word in English for what she wants to say.Hints:AnnaTip Top Trading

  Now, tell me what happened. Well, it's terrible.Oh dear. Just as Anna was doing really well, it looks like her interview has come to a sudden end. What's happened? Join us next time to find out. But before we go, here's a reminder of how Anna structured her response.Firstly, this job is an ideal match for my skills and experience. Secondly, I know Tip Top Trading is one of the fastest-growing companies in London and, above all, the reason I want this job is.Anna couldn't remember the word "motivated", so she just found another way of saying what she meant. I really, really want the job and I am willing to work very hard if I get it. Nice work, Anna. Let's hope you get the chance to finish your interview next week.

