范文写作网 > 开题报告 > > 大学生消费行为研究开题报告


摘要:大学生消费行为研究 摘要:当代大学生是跨世纪的人才,是开创21世纪大业和进一步振兴中华的主力军,社会对大学生的整体素质提出了更高的要求。大学生所受的教育、校园的环境以及该年龄的特殊心理特征,使他们产生了特有的消费行为。对他们的消费行为的研究,


关键词 :大学生;消费行为;消费心理

   A Study of Consuming Behavior of College Students

   Abstract:Students are cross-century talents,To create a 21st century are the great cause of rejuvenating the Chinese nation and the main force .The overall quality of university students make higher demands by society .The education of the university students、the campus environment and  special psychological characteristics. So that they produced a unique consumer behavior,The research on their consumer behavior is very helpful to understand the younger generation and a Consumption trends of the whole society. In this paper,the following work is mainly included The level of consumption, consumption structure and consumption patterns, consumption characteristics and the impact of psychological factors. And give the responses at the last.
Key Word:College Students;Consumer Behavior;Consumer Psychology

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