范文写作网 > 计算机网络毕业论文 > > 超市物流管理系统PowerBuilder+SQL


摘要:毕业论文 目 录 中英文题目、摘要、关键字1 前 言2 1 开发环境简介3 1.1 PowerBuilder简介3 1.1.1 PowerBuilder的特点3 1.1.2 PowerBuilder开发环境5 1.1.3 使用PowerBuilder开发的优越性6 1.2 SQL的简介6 1.2.1 SQL的历史6 1.2.2 SQL的优点6 1.2.3 SQL Ser



目  录
中英文题目、摘要、关键字 1
前 言 2
1 开发环境简介 3
1.1 PowerBuilder简介 3
1.1.1  PowerBuilder的特点 3
1.1.2  PowerBuilder开发环境 5
1.1.3  使用PowerBuilder开发的优越性 6
1.2 SQL的简介 6
1.2.1  SQL的历史 6
1.2.2  SQL的优点 6
1.2.3  SQL Server 2000 的常见版本 7
1.2.4  运行SQL Server 2000 的最低硬件和软件需求 7
1.2.5  SQL Server 数据平台 8
2 可行性分析 10
2.1 技术可行性 10
2.2 经济可行性 10
2.3 运行可行性 11
2.4 法律可行性 11
3 需求分析 11
3.1 需求分析的重要性 11
3.2 系统基本情况描述 11
3.2.1 系统的主要功能 12
3.3 系统分析 12
3.3.1 系统的功能分析 12
3.3.2 系统功能的模块设计 12
3.3.3 系统数据分析与描述 14
3.3.4 实现本系统功能的方法 14
4 总体设计 14
4.1 处理流程 14
4.2 系统配置 14
4.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 15
4.4 建摸 16
4.5 程序流图设计 18
4.5.1 管理员登录模块 18
4.5.2 商品录入模块 19
4.5.3 商品基本信息查询模块 19
4.5.4 商品信息删除模块 20
3.6 数据表 21
5 详细设计 25
5.1 数据库连接 25
5.2 系统登陆 26
5.3 主窗口 28
5.4 修改密码 29
5.5 商品进货管理模块 30
5.5.1 商品档案管理 30
5.5.2 商品的录入 32
5.5.3 单据统计报表 33
5.5.4 单据修改 33
5.6 商品库存管理模块 34
5.6.1 商品基本资料查询 34
5.7 商品销售管理模块 38
5.7.1 商品销售 38
5.8 系统基本资料管理模块 40
5.8.1 供应商品信息管理 40
5.8.2 商品分类资料管理 41
6 结束语 44
参考文献 45
致谢辞 46

管理员可以通过相应的模块,对超市里的货物的基本情况进行更新、删除和查询,对货物的进货和销售进行管理,对进出货物单据进行查询,对进货单据,新建商品档案,和货物的销售进行报表生成,对使用该系统的用户进行更新、删除和查询,对库存数量进行查询,还有操作员管理,权限设置,密码修改等其他系统管理功能。本系统采用PowerBuilder 9.0版本创建。

Supermarket Logistics Management System
Abstract:Compete for the sake of the gradually vigorous market in orientation, the super market needs the condition to operate the understanding to oneself Has well, and the management passing effectively lifts continuously high-efficiency. Therefore, also become an important path that the Increasing the super market Operate efficiency to the management of the warehouse.
This super market system is effective demand that a management for storing in warehouse register with searching statisticsing waiting aspect working but development software that function, is a practical management information system, in response to the actual needs of supermarkets, analyzed supermarket logistics management system functions and the flow of goods to the supermarket management focus, describes the modular system design and structure of the technical elements of the implementation process, the purchase of the supermarket management, marketing management, information management and user management functions.At the same time, return to support to the code and stock surplus amount management etc. did the design.
Managers through the corresponding module for supermarket goods in the basic situation update, delete and enquiries on the purchase of goods and sales management, and documentation for enquiries goods to purchase documents, the new commodity files, and goods for sale generated statements for the use of the system for users to update, delete and enquiries inquiries to the stock, and management operators, the establishment of competence, password changes, and other system management functions.This system adoption PowerBuilder9.0 editions create to set up.

前 言