范文写作网 > 计算机网络毕业论文 > > 高性能网络中TCP协议族性能分析与研究


摘要:毕业论文 目录 前言1 1 TCP协议演化概述2 1.1 TCP概述2 1.2 TCP拥塞控制概述3 1.2.1 拥塞控制简介4 1.2.2 慢启动4 1.2.3 拥塞避免5 1.2.4 快速重传和快速恢复5 1.3 TCP的演化6 1.3.1 TCP Tahoe6 1.3.2 TCP Reno6 1.3.3 NewReno6 1.3.4 TCP SACK7 1.3.5 Vegas



前言 1
1 TCP协议演化概述 2
1.1 TCP概述 2
1.2 TCP拥塞控制概述 3
1.2.1 拥塞控制简介 4
1.2.2 慢启动 4
1.2.3 拥塞避免 5
1.2.4 快速重传和快速恢复 5
1.3 TCP的演化 6
1.3.1 TCP Tahoe 6
1.3.2 TCP Reno 6
1.3.3 NewReno 6
1.3.4 TCP SACK 7
1.3.5 Vegas 7
1.3.6 FAST TCP 7
1.4 本章小结 7
2 FAST TCP体系结构分析 8
2.1传统TCP拥塞控制的主要问题 8
2.2 FAST TCP对拥塞控制的改进 9
2.3 FAST TCP的设计方针 10
2.4 FAST TCP的设计约束 11
2.5 FAST TCP协议体系结构 11
2.5.1 Window Control模块 11
2.5.2 Estimation模块 13
2.6 本章小结 13
3高速网络中FAST TCP协议测试方案及模型构造 15
3.1在Linux 2.4.22中加载FAST TCP协议 15
3.2 Iperf的基本使用方法 24
3.3 实验模型与实验方案 25
3.4本章小结 26
4不同网络环境中FAST TCP协议性能测试及结果分析 27
4.1 基于局域网的实验 27
4.2 基于广域网的实验 31
4.3 本章小结 37
5 结论 38
FAST TCP从根本上改变了传统的TCP的拥塞度量机制、网络容量的探测方式,同时对AIMD(和式增加积式减小)机制也做了大幅度的改进。本文对FAST TCP进行了详细研究,讨论了其设计动机,体系结构和算法实现。我们在Linux 2.4.22内核中嵌入了FAST TCP协议。在千兆以太网内和Internet上设计了1系列实验,使用Iperf网络测量工具,测试了传统TCP与FAST TCP的性能。实验验证了FAST TCP较传统Reno TCP具有1定的性能优势。
关键字:拥塞控制;FAST TCP;Reno;高速;长延迟。
Analysis and Research of TCP Protocols Performance on High Performance Networks
Abstract:With the development of human society and the advance of science and technology, people’s requirements to the computer networks applications are more than before. Computer networks is increase quickly at speed, load, the quantity of online computer, at the same time, network congestion problem is more severity than before. Congestion control is a key technique in the field of computer networks. The early network congestion control has focused on improving TCP congestion control and got some achievements. But with the use of fiber, and the emerage of high performance router and a large amount of application software, the network’s performance is improved very quickly and presents a character of large scale, high speed, large bandwidth, long delay and more and more kinds of applications. So the traditional TCP control mechanism of router cannot meet the requirements of now high performance network congestion control.
 FAST TCP changes the congestion measure mechanism of traditional TCP essentially and the detect mode of network capacity, and at the same time it improves the AIMD mechanism greatly. This dissertation researches the FAST TCP carefully, discusses its design motivation, architecture and the algorithm realization.  We have embedded the FAST TCP protocol into Linux kernel 2.4.22 and designed some experiments in Giga Ethernet and Internet. Then we use Iperf tool to test the performance of FAST TCP and traditional TCP. The result has shown that the performance of FAST TCP is higher than traditional TCP.
Keywords: congestion control; FAST TCP; Reno; high-speed; long-latency.
Reno是目前最通行的,应用最广泛的较为成熟的算法,该算法所包含的慢启动,拥塞避免和快速重传/快速恢复机制,是以后众多算法的基础。Vegas是标准TCP拥塞控制算法Reno的改进方案,和Reno采用报文段丢失作为拥塞度量所不同的是,Vegas采用延迟作为拥塞度量,并且通过比较实际速率和期望速率之间的差值来预知拥塞的发生。FAST TCP[1]是建立在Vegas这种思想的基础上的改进方案,它致力于解决高速、高延时环境下的问题,但它又仅限于对发送方的代码予以修改。和Vegas相比较,虽然都是基于平衡的窗口控制方案,FAST TCP是根据距离平衡点位置的远近来调整窗口大小变化的快慢的。相比较现有TCP拥塞控制算法,FAST TCP具有不可比拟的优越性,但它仍然存在需要改进的地方,比如如何寻找平衡点以及和现有TCP拥塞控制算法相兼容等问题。
本文介绍了TCP拥塞控制算法的原理和核心算法,然后在此基础上对目前最新的TCP版本:FAST TCP进行了研究,讨论和其设计动机,体系结构。最后在千兆以太网和Internet中设计了1系列实验,使用iperf网络协议测量工具,在不同的TCP发送窗口和网络延迟的情况下对比测试了传统TCP和FAST TCP的性能。