范文写作网 > 法学毕业论文 > > 论民事诉讼中的第三人制度


摘要:摘 要 第3人是与原、被告争议的诉讼标的有牵连的第3方主体,是经济主体多元化和经济纠纷复杂化在诉讼制度中的反映。各国民事诉讼立法普遍存在第3人参加诉讼的制度,但规定不尽相同。美国民事诉讼立法采用权利参加和任意参加制度,而对于被引入的、类似于我国


摘   要




The third-party is a litigant who involves subjects disputed between plaintiff and defendant,reflecting diversity of economic parts and complexity of economic disputes in judicial proceedings Statues on civil litigation in every nation usually include third-party intervention system, but there are differences among them. American statutes adopt intervention of right and free intervention; impleader, such as obligatory third-party without independent claims in our nation, viewed as third-party indirectly. In traditional civil law systems, such as French, German and Japan, Statutes on civil procedure adopt independent intervention and supplementary intervention systems. We divide the third parties into with or without independent claims, based on a criteria whether that party presented independent claims against subjects disputed between the plaintiff and the defendant. By comparing individually civil third-party systems in U.S .,French and German with ours, pointing out the differences, from two part of that with independent claims and without independent claims, I analyze the problem and proposes my own recognitions and advices.

Key words: Third-party of civil litigation; independent claims; Without independent Claims