范文写作网 > 法学毕业论文 > > 论公益诉讼——以国有资产保护为视角


摘要:摘 要 无论是理论界还是实务部门,有关公益诉讼的探讨都方兴未艾,但就谁有权或有资格提出国有资产保护中的公益诉讼的研究尚少。国有资产保护中的公益诉讼作为1种新的诉讼形式要在科学、合理的法律制度的支撑下发挥诉讼作用。从立法体制、国外的成功经验分析


摘    要



No matter in theoretical or practical fields, discussion on public interest litigation is in the ascendant. However, it is not well studied as to who should be entitled to the litigation protection to state-owned assets and how it will adapt to current conditions in China. As a new litigation form, litigation protection to state-owned assets should work under the law system, which is scientific and reasonable. According to the analyses of litigation system and the success experience abroad, the public interest litigation is supposed to be established to improve litigation system in China so as to better protect state-owned assets. The paper starts with a summary of the public interest litigation system, including subjects and conditions of prosecution. It then discusses how to deal with the results of judgment, and the status of state-owned enterprise in the litigation. The author’s point of view about the issue is that the intervention made by the procuratorial authority, stockholders, workers in enterprise and the labor union in public interest litigation must find a correct definition in the legislation, which is the breakthrough and creativity of the topic.
Keywords: state-owned assets protection; public interest litigation; subjects of prosecution; conditions of prosecution; results of judgment